Excellence in Economic Development Awards

IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards program consists of 26 unique categories showcasing transformative projects and economic development organizations that have profoundly impacted communities, regions, and nations. IEDC is excited to celebrate the 2024 Excellence Awards winners virtually and at the upcoming Annual Conference.

September 16 – Denver, CO


Photocalls | 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM MT
Professional photos will be taken of award winners during this time.

Ice Cream Social | 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM MT
Award winners will have an opportunity to share about their projects and network with conference attendees through a fun game.

Reception | 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM MT
An invite-only reception for award winners to connect with this year’s esteemed judges, IEDC board members, and members of the awards advisory committee. Winners will also receive newly designed plaques to honor their accomplishments.

September 17 – Denver, CO


Celebration | 9:15 AM – 9:30 AM MT
IEDC will welcome award winners up on stage to be recognized for all their hard work and service to their communities. The winner of the Best in Show Award will also be revealed during this time!